Day 14: Love takes delight


Enjoy life with the wife you love all the days of your fleeting life. —Ecclesiastes 9:9 HCSB

Purposefully neglect an activity you would normally do so you can spend quality time with your spouse. Do something he or she would love to do or a project they’d really like to work on. Just be together.

Journal Questions:
What did you decide to give up? What did you do together? How did it go? What new thing did you learn or we learned about you spouse?

My responses: I gave up staying out of the bedroom and keeping busy to avoid him. Like I did yesterday. Although last night it was cleaning organizing and writing update 13 rules of fighting Fair because he's not really ready to and has been asked several times how did it go? We didn't talk we were on two sides of the bed I gave him the opportunity to talk to me because my last words were an email he refused to respond to me

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