Day 12: Love lets the other win


Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. —Philippians 2:4

Demonstrate love by willingly choosing to give in to an area of disagreement between you and your spouse. Tell them you are putting their preference first.

Journal Questions:
What issue did you choose? What did giving in cost you? How will this help you in the future?

My responses: Being left out of J's birthday night. I didn't tell him and kept it to myself. It really hurt me that he didn't invite me to dinner before the game. Regardless if he thought I'd go he didn't even ask and that hurt me deeply he did this that says his 21st birthday as well. Didn't invite me. But his whole family and friends went. He doesn't make plans making sure it includes, or ask me to help with plans or anything--he always pushes me aside.

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