Day 11: Love cherishes


Husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. —Ephesians 5:28

What need does your spouse have that you could meet today? Can you run an errand? Give a back rub or foot massage? Is there housework you could help with? Choose a gesture that says, “I cherish you” and do it with a smile.

Journal Questions: How did you choose to show that you cherish your mate? What did you learn from this experience

My responses:
I appreciated his gesture of coffee and the card, letting him know how much it meant to me--sincerely looking in his eyes and saying it. Also, that I appreciate it even though the book day 3 he's on told him to do it. When he pulled me to the side of his body and rubbed his chest. I have been holding back touch from him because he's never responded or reciprocated. So I've been feeling extremely rejected. I fought the urge to not touch him tonight and I did choose to do the unconditional love Way--based on my commitment to love him.
I know I could do it even if I didn't feel like it, because it's what he may have needed to feel cherished.

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