
Our Couples Therapist spoke about Priorities yesterday. This is paraphrased.
It's a matter of Priorities.
Figure out your Priorities.
What you do and in what order shows preference.
But what you do not choose to do speaks louder.
Choosing to listen to her, and take a suggestion that benefits the family shows you are choosing her above other things (especially self).
Doing the work he committed to (Love Dare, talking etc).
(Partial list, will keep adding as I recall or take from my notes)
11/9 I suggested again, he not drive in the height of traffic to work, to go get a check where there is plenty of money in the account. I asked him to wait until another day when he goes in for work. Especially considering he already went in one day this week, and i had asked him the same. It's a waste of gas and time when other things are more pressing.

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Fireproof - The Love Dare
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