Day 27: Love encourages

Guard my soul and deliver me; do not let me be ashamed, for I take refuge in You. —Psalm 25:20

Eliminate the poison of unrealistic expectations in your home. Think of one area where your spouse has told you you’re expecting too much, and tell them you’re sorry for being so hard on them about it. Promise them you’ll seek to understand, and assure them of your unconditional love. Day 28: Love makes sacrifices He laid down His life for us. We should also lay down our lives for our brothers. —1 John 3:16 HCSB TODAY’S DARE What is one of the greatest needs in your spouse’s life right now? Is there a need you could lift from their shoulders today by a daring act of sacrifice on your part? Whether the need is big or small, purpose to do what you can to meet the need.

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Fireproof - The Love Dare
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